Refraction and shoaling due to depth variations.Dissipation due to depth-induced wave breaking.MIKE 21 SW includes the following physical phenomena: The model simulates the growth, decay and transformation of wind-generated waves and swells in offshore and coastal areas. In this study, MIKE 21 Spectral Wave model (SW) developed by the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI), Denmark has been utilized to simulate offshore and near shore waves.
A new generation spectral wind-wave model called SW module is included in MIKE 21 software which has been applied for this study.įigure 2: Division of the coasts of Hormozgan province into Western, Central and Eastern domains

Hormozgan coasts have been divided into three separate domains due to different wave climate of the western, central and eastern part of the coasts and separate model runs have been performed for each part. Hydrographic Information Used Near Ports National Cartographic Center Information wave height, wave period, wave direction and also wave energy spectrums were produced from the offshore wave model and were presented in a grid with a resolution of 0.125 × 0.125 degrees.

This model has been generated for three separate domains with different resolutions. By using a third-generation wave model called WAVEWATCH III, a large-scale model was prepared for the Southern coasts of Iran. To obtain the coastal wave characteristics, the deep water wave climatology must be studied first. Finally they were provided in a grid with a 0.125° × 0.125° resolution. Altimetry, QuickScat and also ship observations. Then the ECMWF&ERA40 wind fields were validated by the synoptic stations, satellite data e.g. The ECMWF&ERA40 wind fields were aimed as the best wind field in the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea. In the next step, the results of the WRF model were compared with the global NCEP2&FNL and ECMWF&ERA40 models. In the mentioned studies, the wind fields were initially produced by the WRF atmospheric model using FNL and NCEP2 data as the initial boundary conditions for the period of 1983 to 2008, and then the model was validated by the synoptic wind stations and Satellite data available. Comprehensive studies were done in the previous stages of the "Monitoring and Modelling Studies of Hormozgan Coastal Zone Province" project, in order to achieve appropriate wind fields. Reliable wind data is therefore crucial to ensure the accuracy of the numerical wave modeling study. Wind is the main driving force in wave generation.