#Vampire savior 2 bb hood arcade series#
Do you see the series continuing to have more “humanoid” characters?įunamizu: If there’s good designs, I’m open to doing something different. (laughs)įunamizu: Yeah, that character always comes up whenever we’re making a Vampire game. A nurikabe yokai, an ittan-momen yokai… (laughs) The team kept saying how easy the nurikabe character would be to make.

There were other rejected characters too. “Capcom’s finally gone and done it…” (laughs) The second series to have a “Sakura” incident, I guess. After seeing that we all got carried away with making different moves and abilities for her. The picture he sent back was great: it perfectly captured that duality of cute and psychotic that everyone knows and loves about her. Eventually the person who was in charge of her animation patterns again queried Akiman, at which point he realized the mistake and re-drew her. (laughs) I sent him a note asking “who’s this supposed to be?”, but at the time Akiman was so busy with other games that he never replied. And what about BB Hood?įunamizu: Initially there was some kind of miscommunication about her, because the first drawing Akiman handed back to us was puzzling. But her moves and abilities, that’s a whole other story… those were very difficult. Oddly enough it was something Akiman said that kicked everything off: “hey, if we’re talking insects… why not a bee woman?” He did a bunch of concept art which we all thought was really cool. The truth is, since the first Darkstalkers, we’d wanted to have some kind of insect-related character. Likewise with Lillith, whose story is closely intertwined with Morrigan. Jedah has been at the center of the story from the beginning, so he had to be in there. As the development went on though, it felt like we weren’t going to be able to do those ideas justice, so we made a big shift last September and re-worked some of the characters’ stories and lore. Why are most of the new characters female, by the way?įunamizu: Originally, we were going to have an adult version of Anita, and Donovan who had become a vampire. Pressing the same-strength punch+kick buttons with a bar of meter stocked activates the Dark Force mode, which temporarily imbues characters with new properties and enhancements seen here are some corner loops that utilize Felicia’s minion assist, one of the traits available to her with Dark Force activated. The most important thing for us, in any event, was making it feel unique to each character. (laughs) But there were lots of problems with that idea, so eventually it morphed into its present form. We wanted to make it so that, while you were in Dark Force, you could just completely pummel your opponent. Tell us about the Dark Force system.įunamizu: Originally, it was even more extreme. We tried inserting it here and it turned out to be really interesting, so we kept it. The Damage Gauge System was originally part of a different game’s system. What prompted this?įunamizu: The structure of the rounds is one element of fighting games that’s hard to change, but for this game, we didn’t want the flow of the fights interrupted. A big change with Vampire Savior is the removal of rounds. As for the meaning, I’ll leave that for players to discover. We were calling it “Vampire 3” in the beginning, but for this series we really want to have unique titles for each game. This is a simple question, but why did you chose the title “Vampire Savior”?įunamizu: It’s taken directly from the story.

But the setting and story came first, in those plans. From there we officially formed a team and got down to work. But there was a feeling we had of wanting to re-evaluate, from zero, the very concept of what it means to be a “monster.” We have a guy on our team who we call the “one many army”, who does planning work, and he handed us the initial game plans for Vampire Savior. What made you want to make Vampire Savior now?įunamizu: Well, we’d been planning to make a sequel since we finished Revenge. Noritaka Funamizu – General Producer -It’s been 2 years since Darkstalker’s Revenge. Vampire Savior – 1997 Developer Interview